Tientsin (China)

Tientsin is a town in the north-east of China and it's a quite important center for international trade and business. But it was important also in the past and between 1858 and 1860 the first concessions were taken by England, France, America and Russia and later in 1900 those of Italy and Japan were added and they all were kept until the second world war.

Guglielmo Evangelista told me that Battaglione San Marco was in place in Tientsin (but there were also Bersaglieri accordine to other sources) and that on September the 8th 1943 there were 5 autovehicles and 4 old armoured cars. The armoured vehicles were made by Lancia and had the following plate numbers of the Regio Esercito (with the ending B of armoured vehicles): RE 72B, RE 82B, RE 83B and RE 85B. Unfortunately, at the present time I haven't found any picture of these vehicles yet.
